Compared to those who belt out tunes, the average writer’s life is easy.
Posts Tagged as: traditional publishers
The Rise of the Hybrid Author?
Should you embrace both traditional publishing and self-publishing?
The Speaker’s Advantage
If you can move books en masse, why bother with a legacy publisher?
On Amateurs and User-Generated Content
Do we need the gatekeepers to produce professional books?
Traditional Publishers, Jeremy Lin, and the Church Lady
Understanding the speed of publishers.
The Mystique of Distribution
On the myths perpetuated by some publishing houses.
Do Book Endorsements Matter?
Have you ever you every bought a book because Mr. or Ms. Super Important Person wrote a pithy sentence or two endorsing the book?
Long-Term vs. Short-Term
On the tradeoff between now and later.
Changes Afoot: An Interview with Seth Godin
My interview with Seth Godin on the state of publishing.
On Vanity Publishing
My chat with publishing expert Kristen Eckstein.