101 Lightbulb Moments in Data Management
Many individuals and organizations are deluged with information. They are ultimately unable to fully realize the power of one of their greatest and most valuable assets: their data.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
101 Lightbulb Moments in Data Management features contributions from some of the most respect minds in contemporary data management, including Jim Harris, Jill Dyché, David Loshin, Phil Simon, and others, the book represents the very best blog posts from the DataRoundtable by Dataflux<. (Since acquired by SAS.)
The book offers a wide variety of ideas on topics such as data migration, data governance, data quality, and master data management (MDM). Former DataFlux CEO and author of the well-regarded book The Data Asset Tony Fisher penned the book’s foreword.
Read the first few pages of the book.